SLOWEST CAR IN THE WORLD: 1968 Fiat 850 Idromatic

So far, we've covered the most expensive and the fastest, most fuel-efficient, all the way to the most reliable cars. However, we haven't talked about the slowest production cars. The slowest production car ever made is the 1968 Fiat 850 Idromatic, with a 0-60 mph time of 25.4 seconds (Toyota Prius does 0-60 mph in about 14 seconds) with a top speed of 77 mph. This car only does 28 mpg, far less than the Chevolet Volt and other fuel-efficient cars we have today.


  1. Your an idiot stop comparing it to new cars also there other cars slower than it.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. The goal of this blog is to inform non-car enthusiasts (unlike you and I) about fun facts such as these. Cars like the Chevy Volt and the Toyota Prius were used as sources of reference and comparison. If I compared the the 1968 Fiat 850 Idromatic to another old car, there is a high possibility of confusion occuring within the readers. Also, I used the 0-60 time (the acceleration figure) of the Fiat to determine how fast it was, not the top speed. The BMW Isetta 250 has a 0-60 time of 22.6 seconds, quicker than the Fiat's 25.4 seconds. Secondly, the Mazda Familia took around 14.4 seconds to get to 60 mph or 100 km/h, significantly faster than the Fiat. Also, the first gen Mazda Familia had a top speed of 65 mph. Because I compared the 0-60 time in this post, that figure is irrelevant.

      Any more questions? Feel free to ask. Thanks for your feedback.


  2. Good answer. I appreciate your posting about an obscure car. Personally, I'd compare it to the VW Beetle 1200. 34 HP vs VW's 40, from an engine about 3/4 the size. From currently posted specs, the Bug was even slower. I don't remember my Bug being that slow but my friends do. As for MPG, a reliable 28 MPG would have been good for the day. (Yes, I had friends claiming higher... still do today.) In real world driving, my '60 Beetle could get mid-20's and our '66 Bus around 17 MPG. For good mileage, the Honda 600 was a good choice.
